Last autumn, the annual certified production process control monitoring visit to LVM Zemes dzīles took place in cooperation with the independent certification organization SIA “Bureau Veritas Latvia”.
Within the framework of the visit, compliance with the requirements of the production process at 50 certified mineral extraction sites was assessed on a random basis. During the visit, the quality control, sampling, and production process management procedures implemented by LVM Zemes dzīles were evaluated.
As a result of the assessment, it was concluded that the control of the production process implemented by LVM Zemes dzīles corresponds to the “2+” system of assessment and verification of the durability of operational properties, and meets the requirements set out in the following harmonized standards:
- EN 13242:2002 +A1:2007 “Aggregates for unbound and hydraulically bound materials for use in civil engineering work and road construction”;
- EN 13043:2002, EN 13043/AC:2004 “Aggregates for bituminous mixtures and surface treatments for roads, airfields and other trafficked areas”;
- EN 12620:2002+A1:2008 “Aggregates for concrete”.
“The mineral materials produced by LVM Zemes dzīles are used in the construction of various facilities; therefore their conformity assessment should be carried out in accordance with Regulation of the Parliament and Council of the European Union No. 305/211. Each type of application of mineral materials has its own conditions, how it should be assessed – the “2+” system determines an external assessment for the control of the production process, the “4” system is based on the manufacturer's self-assessment. For example, mineral materials that are used for the production of asphalt and concrete or incorporated in the construction projects of JSC “Latvijas valsts ceļi”, must be certified according to the “2+” system. Also, the Rail Baltica railway construction specification provides for continuous testing of mineral materials at the place of their extraction. As part of a certified production process, LVM Zemes dzīles carries out regular testing of mineral materials in our laboratory with the frequency as specified in the standards. The team promptly evaluates the results and potential cooperation partners receive fully prepared mineral materials and their mixtures with documentation, which can be further used to certify the quality of the construction site,” says Rinalds Šimens, Quality Specialist at LVM Zemes dzīles.
Moreover, at more than one hundred mineral extraction sites managed by LVM, production process control is ensured according to the “4” system. This gives every buyer the confidence that the quality of the mineral materials has been assessed according to the standards and that the declaration of operational characteristics and the CE marking attached to them meet all the requirements of construction products.
For more information about certified mineral materials, volumes and cooperation opportunities please contact LVM Zemes dzīles Customer Relations Specialists:
Kurzeme – Gaļina Rēdere, mob. tel. 26563202,
Zemgale – Inese Ēvele, 29422349,
Vidzeme – Baiba Rozīte, mob. tel. 26187900,
Latgale – Egita Strode, mob. tel. 26132262,
Latgale – Zigrīda Balode mob. tel. 29375486,
In 2017, JSC “Latvia's State Forests” business line LVM Zemes dzīles received a production process control certificate for the first time. It confirms that the production, sales, and quality control processes of mineral materials implemented by the manufacturer are in accordance with the requirements set out in the harmonized standards of the European Union. Each certification cycle lasts for 3 years and regular monitoring of LVM Zemes dzīles is carried out to make sure that the requirements for the production process are complied with on a daily basis.